Dr. Jeng-Min Chiou, Dr. Ying Lu, Dr. Linda Yau
Jeng-Min Chiou, Ph.D. Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica
In recognition with a sincere appreciation of his dedicated service as a co-editor 2011-2014 and a managing editor 2008-2011 of the ICSA journal Statistica Sinica.
Ying Lu, Ph.D. Stanford University
In recognition with a sincere appreciation for his dedicated service as the 2014 ICSA President and as the Chair of the Program Committee 2009-2011 and the Publication Committee 2012-2013.
Linda Yau, Ph.D. Genentech, Inc.
In recognition with a sincere appreciation for her dedicated service as the ICSA Treasurer 2013-2015, the ICSA Symposium Treasurer 2010-2012, the Chair of ICSA an ad-hoc investment committee 2014-2015, and as the manager of the JP Hsu scholarship fund 2016.