ICSA Student Paper Awards


Year ICSA Student Paper Awards’ Recipients
2019 Zhou Lan, Ph.D candidate, North Carolina State University
Geostatistical Modeling of Positive Definite Matrices Using the Spatial Wishart Process
Xiangyu Liu, Ph.D candidate, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Semiparametric Modelling and Estimation of the Global Percentile Outcome
Jitong Lou, Ph.D candidate, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Integrative Analysis of Irregularly Measured and Mixed-Type Biomarkers in Electronic
Health Records Method with Statistical Guarantees
Jennifer Starling, Ph.D, University of Texas at Austin
BART with Targeted Smoothing: An Analysis of Patient-Specific Stillbirth Risk
Tao Sun, Ph.D candidate, University of Pittsburgh
GWAS-based AMD Progression Using a Copula Semiparametric Model
ICSA Student Paper Awards
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