Student Travel Award Recipients

Year ASA Biopharmaceutical Section Student Paper Award at the ICSA/ISBS 2013 Joint Conference
2016 Lijia Wang, Emory University
A latent class modeling approach for predicting kidney obstruction based on renogram data and expert ratings in the absence of a gold standard
Xiaolu Zhu, University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign
Individualizing drug dosage with longitudinal data
2015 Qingning Zhou, University of Missouri
A sieve semiparametric maximum likelihood approach for regression analysis of bivariate interval-censored failure time data
Wei Ding, University of Michigan
Composite likelihood approach in Gaussian copula regression models with missing data
2014 Guanhua Chen, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Personalized dose finding using outcome weighted learning
Cheng Zheng, University of Washington
Survival rates prediction when training data and target data have different measurement error
2013 Danjie Zhang, University of Connecticut
Assessing Model Fit in Joint Models of Longitudinal and Survival Data with Applications to Cancer Clinical Trials
Rui Zhang, University of Washington
Marginalizable Conditional Model for Clustered Binary Data
Year Student Travel Award Recipients
2016 Fei Gao, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Semiparametric estimation of the accelerated failure time model with partly interval-censored data
Kevin Lee, The Pennsylvania State University
Nonparametric mixture of Gaussian graphical models, with applications to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) imaging data
Ziyi Li, Emory University
Incorporating biological information in sparse principal component analysis with application to genomic data
Yi Lu, Ohio State University
Bayesian registration of functions with a Gaussian process prior
So Young Park, North Carolina State University
Optimal design for sampling functional data
2015 Yuan Huang, Pennsylvania State University
Projection test for high-dimensional mean vectors with optimal direction
Weichen Wang, Princeton University
Projected principal component analysis in factor models
Chongliang Luo, University of Connecticut
Canonical variate regression
Yanping Liu, Temple University
A new approach to multiple testing of grouped hypotheses
Yinfei Kong, University of Southern California
Innovated interaction screening for highdimensional nonlinear classification
2014 Ting-Huei Chen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Multiple genetic loci mapping for latent disease liability using a structural equation modeling approach with application in Alzheimer’s disease
Haolei Weng, Columbia University
Regularization after retention in ultrahigh dimensional linear regression models
Ran Tao, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Analysis of sequence data under multivariate trait-dependent sampling
Hsin-Wen Chang, Columbia University
Empirical likelihood based tests for stochastic ordering under right censorship
Qiang Sun, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Hard thresholded regression via linear programming
2013 Fang Han, Johns Hopkins University
Optimal Sparse Principal Component Analysis in High Dimensional Elliptical Model
Lan Liu, University of North Carolina
Large Sample Randomization Inference of Causal Effects in the Presence of Interference
Qiang Sun, University of North Carolina
SPReM: Sparse Projection Regression Model
Mengdie Yuan, George Mason University
Semiparametric Odds Rate Model for Modeling Short-term and Long-term Effects
Stephanie S. Zhang, Columbia University
Non-identifability, Equivalence Classes, and Attribute-specific Classification in Q-matrix Based Cognitive Diagnosis Models
2012 Peisong Han, University of Michigan
Efficient Estimation For Missing Outcome Data With Surrogate Using Conditional Empirical Likelihood
Xueying Chen, Rutgers University
A Split-and-Conquer Approach for Analysis of Extraordinarily Large Data
Sy Han Chiou, University of Connecticut
Semiparametric Multivariate Accelerated Failure Time Model with Generalized Estimating Equations
Olivia Yueh‐Wen Liao, Stanford University
Biomarker-Based Adaptive Accrual Designs for Confirmatory Oncology Trials
2011 Ada Lau, University of Oxford
Spatiotemporal Wind Power Probabilistic Forecasts Using Latent
Dungang Liu, Rutgers University
Exact meta-analysis approach for the common odds ratio of 2 × 2 tables with rare events
Ying Yuan, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Varying Coefficient Models for Modeling Diffusion Tensors Along White Matter Fiber
2010 Xu He, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Subgroups defined by two or more genetic markers in genome-wide association studies
Miguel Marino, Harvard School of Public Health
Statisticsal Inference in Factor Analysis for High-Dimensional, Low-Sample Size Data: Understanding the Change Patterns of the US Cancer Mortality Rates
Xingye Qiao, Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Pairwise Variable Selection for Classification
Sihai Dave Zhao, Dept. of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health
Principled sure independence screening for Cox models with ultra-high-dimensional covariates
2009 Jane Paik, Columbia University
Semiparametric Inference of Linear Transformation Models with Lenth-Biased Censored Data
Nengfeng Zhou, University of Michigan
Group Variable Selection via a Hierarchical LASSO and its Oracle Property
Hung Hung, National Taiwan University
Nonparametric Methodology for the Time-Dependent Partial Area under the ROC Curve
2008 Michael C. Wu, Harvard University
Use of Sparse Linear Discriminant Analysis in Testing Gene Pathways
Min Yuan, University of Science and Technology of China
Two-stage Genome-wide Association Studies with DNA Pooling and Genetic Model Selection
Megan Othus, Harvard University
A Class of Semiparametric Mixture Cure Survival Models with Dependent Censoring
2007 Xiao Ni, North Carolina State University
Automatic model selection for partial linear models
Clifford Lam, Princeton University
Profile-kernel likelihood inference with diverging number of parameters
Ping Bai, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
Robust singular value decomposition and its application to independent component analysis for fMRI
2006 Fang Yu, University of Connecticut
Bayesian Analysis of EST Data with Multiple Libraries and Multiple Types of Tissues
Xin He, University of Missouri-Columbia
Regression Analysis of Multivariate Panel Count Data
Minggen Lu, The University of Iowa
Estimation of the Mean Function with Panel Count Data Using Monotone Polynomial Splines
Pang Du, Purdue University
Nonparametric Smoothing Spline model for Gap Time Hazard Function in Recurrent Event Data
2005 Haipen Xing, Stanford University
Change-point stochastic regression models with applications to econometric time series
Chong Wang, Cornell University
Bayesian non-parametric estimation of ROC curves when the true disease state is unknown
Student Travel Award Recipients
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